Iredell County

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Iredell County includes the following markets:

Cities, Towns and Municipalities:

Mooresville, Statesville, Troutman

Other Communities:

Barium Springs, Harmony, Mount Mourne, Olin, Scotts, Turnersburg, Union Grove

Information About This Market


Iredell County

County Seat



159,437 - 2010 US Census

Land Area

573.83 sq. mi.

USDA Climate/Hardiness Zone

7a (0 to 5 F)


Phillip H. Redmond

District Attorney

Sarah Kirkman

Register of Deeds

Matthew J. McCall

Clerk of Court

Rena Turner

County Manager

Ronald R. Smith

Sponsored Organizations

NC Cooperative Extension - Iredell County

Kathy Bunton - Interim County Extension Director


Iredell County Government


Iredell County Public Library


Iredell Museums


Iredell County Emergency Management


Iredell County Sheriff's Department

Phillip H. Redmond - Iredell County Sheriff


Iredell-Statesville Schools

Brady Johnson - Superintendent