Transylvania County

Local Photos Wanted!


Transylvania County includes the following markets:

Cities, Towns and Municipalities:

Brevard, Lake Toxaway, Sapphire

Other Communities:

Balsam Grove, Cedar Mountain, Penrose

Information About This Market


Transylvania County

County Seat



33,090 - 2010 US Census

Land Area

378.53 sq. mi.

USDA Climate/Hardiness Zone

6b (-5 to 0 F) through 7a (0 to 5 F)


David A. Mahoney

District Attorney

Jeff Hunt

Register of Deeds

Cindy Owenbey

Clerk of Court

Rita Ashe

County Manager

Artie Wilson

Sponsored Organizations

NC Cooperative Extension - Transylvania County

Eric Caldwell - County Extension Director


Transylvania County Government


Transylvania County Library


Transylvania County Emergency Management


Transylvania County Sheriff's Department

David A. Mahoney - TransylvaniaCounty Sheriff


Transylvania County Schools

Jeffrey S. McDaris - Superintendent